Call for Mini-symposium of ICIAM 2023


ICIAM 2023, the 10th International Congress on Industrial and  Applied Mathematics, will be held at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan on August 20-25, 2023.

The call for minisymposia has been announced. A minisymposium is composed of one or a few sessions (up to three sessions) of coordinated presentations on a single topic of interest and importance in industrial and applied mathematics.  Each session within a minisymposium should include four presentations in two hours. Each speaker should be allotted 25 minutes for their presentation, with an additional 5 minutes for discussion.

Tentatively, ICIAM 2023 is supposed to be held in a hybrid conference
format, i.e., a session in a minisymposium may mix on-site and online talks.
If the situation change, ICIAM 2023 will switch the conference format to on-site or online format.

Important Dates:
All deadlines are at midnight AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
– Submissions open on April 1, 2022
– Closing date for submissions of proposals: December 23, 2022
– Acceptance notification for proposals: within one month after submission of each proposal
– Closing date for submissions of abstracts from speakers: March 15, 2023
– Registration fees for speakers are due on July 20, 2023
(Speakers who have not registered at that date will have their talks removed from the program.)

For more details, please see “Call for Minisymposia”:

PO. On the same web, the call for contributed talks is also announced.