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Programme of ISIAM-2016

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International Conference on the occasion of
Silver Jubilee of the Indian Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics (ISIAM)
Sharda University , Knowledge Park –III ,Greater Noida , U. P.(Delhi, NCR), Pin code -201306

Date & Day Time Venue Event
28thJanuary 2016, Thursday 04:00PM – 07:00PM Block –7, Room No. 004 (Board Room) Registration
29th January 2016, Friday 09:00AM – 10:00AM Block – 7, Room No. 004 (Board Room) Registration
10:00AM – 11:30AM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Inaugural Function (minute to minute program given separately )
11:30AM – 12:00PM Corridor and Adjacent Rooms Tea Time
12:00PM – 12:45PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Key Note address by

Prof. K.R.Sreenivasan, (New York University)

Chaired by Prof. N. K. Gupta, (President ICIAM)

12:45PM – 13:25PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Speaker:  Prof. BarbaraKeyfitz (Ohio University)

Chairman : Prof. H. P. Dikshit

13:25PM – 14:25PM Room No.104, 105, 107 & Corridors in front of rooms Lunch
14:25PM – 15:05PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Speaker :Prof.Leon Chua( University of California)

Chairman :Prof. U.P. Singh

15:05PM – 15:45PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Speaker: Pro. Maria Esteban. France ( President of  ICIAM)

Chairman :G.V.Gowda (Dean, TIFR Bangalore)

15:45PM – 15:55PM Gallery Tea Time
15:55PM – 17:25PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Session on use of technology for teaching mathematics

Chaired by Prof. Neerjar and  Prof. S. Jasola VC Graphic Era HillUniversity,Dehradun

Coordinator: Dr. Rashmi Bhardwaj,

Speakers to be announced

17:25PM – 18:25PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7

Room 202, Block 7

Room 203, Block7

Contributory  Talks

Session  A.

Session  B

Session  C.

18:25PM – 20:00PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Cultural Programmes

Coordinator: Dr. Noore Zahra

20:00PM – 22:00PM Royal Ball Room, Radisson Blue Hotel, Greater Noida (Programme details to be distributed) Banquet hosted  by Chancellor Sharda University,Coordinator: Prof. B.Bhattacharya

&Prof. MsP. Manchanda

30th January 2016, Saturday 9:20 AM – 10:00 Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Topic : to be announced

Speaker: Prof. A. Khan

10:00AM – 10:40AM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Topic : Contemporary Problems of Industrial  Mathematics

Speaker : Prof. Alistair Fitt


Chairman: Prof. A.K. Pani (IIT Bombay)

10:40AM – 11:20AM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Topic :

Speaker : Prof. Rangaranjan

Chairman : Prof. R . Lozi

11:20AM – 11:50AM Gallery Tea Break
11:50AM – 12:30PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7

Chairman : Prof. Ms.  K.K. Dewan , VC Noida International University, Noida

Topic : to be announced

Speaker : Prof. D. Walnut ( Speaker )

12:30AM – 13:10PM Topic: to be announced

Speaker : Prof. Pfander  (Germany)

13:10PM – 13:40PM Topic : T B A

Speaker :  Prof. Dr. Guenter Leugering (Vice President FAU Erlangen Germany)

13:40PM – 14:20PM Room No.104, 105, 107 & Corridors in front of rooms Lunch
14:20PM – 16:10PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7

Chairman : Prof. Vinod Kumar ( Dy. Director, IIT  Roorkee)

Symposium on Image Processing-

Image Processing in Medical Science

Speakers: Prof. G. Pfander  (Germany) Prof. D Walnut, USA , Dr. Venky (TFIR CAMB), Prof. DK Chaturvedi (Agra), Prof.Majaz Moonis, USA

16:10PM – 16:30PM Gallery Tea Time
16:30PM – 17:10PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Topic : Exploring Industrial Mathematics in India

Speaker :  Prof. A.K. Pani

Chairman: Prof. M.C. Joshi

17:10PM – 19:10PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7

Room 202, Block 7

Room 203, Block7

To be announced

Parallel Sessions :-

A. Interaction of Computer Science and


B. Contributory Talk  -Theory

C. Contributory  Talk  -Computation

Chairmen of  Sessions to be announced…………………

20:00PM – 22:00PM To be announced Dinner
31st January 2016 , Sunday 09:50AM – 10:30AM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7

Chairman : Prof. Adimurti

Topic : to be announced

Speaker : Prof. M Ramaswamy (TFIR CAMB)

10:30AM – 11:00AM Topic : to be announced

Speaker : Prof. R. Lozi, France, Chairman: TBA

11:00AM – 11:30AM Topic: to be announced

Speaker : Prof. BK Dass (DU)

11:30AM – 12:00PM Gallery Tea Time
12:00PM – 12:40PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Topic :  to be announced

Speaker : Prof. G. Fairweather  Chairman: TBA

12:40PM – 14:00PM Room 202, Block 7

Room 203, Block7

Parell Session A:-

Analytic Methods

Chairman : Prof. Manjusha Majumdar

Speakers: Prof. M Skopina, (Russia), Prof. B Golubov (Russia), Prof. Renu Chug(Rohtak), Dr. SK Kaushik (D.U.), Prof. Mursaleen (AMU)

Parell Session B:

Computational Methods, an application

Chairman : Prof. R. K. Mohanti

Speakers: Prof. DC Vakaskar (Varoda) Dr. Priti Kumar Roy (Calcutta), Dr. Rajneesh Kumar(KU), Prof. R. C. Singh, Prof. Dharamraja(IIT)

14:00PM – 14:45PM Room No.104, 105, 107 & Corridors in front of rooms Lunch
14:45PM – 17:00PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Session Misc. Themes

(PDE, Nano Technology, Non Linear Dynamics, etc)

Chairman : Prof. Mushahid Hussain (VC, Rohailkhand University)

Speakers :- Prof. GV Gowda, Prof. Adimurty

Prof. R.K.  Mohanti, Prof. Ayub Khan,  Prof. Rashmi Bhardwaj

17:00PM – 17:30PM Gallery Tea
17:30PM – 18:00PM Auditorium Floor 2, Block 7 Valedictory Function

Contact Nos. : 09871069944

09837069944, 09815010067,

Email: [email protected]

Conference Program Schedule

Published by:

International Conference on Emerging Areas of Mathematics
Science and Technology 
In conjunction with 12th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
January 30 – February 1, 2015 


Day 1 (30/01/2015)
08:30 – 09:00 Breakfast (Waris Bhawan)
09:00 – 10:00 Registration (Arts Auditorium)
10:00 – 11:30 Inauguration Session
11:30 – 12:00 High tea
12:00 – 12:45 Presidential address by Prof. N.K Gupta, Chair: Prof. R. Lozi
12:45 – 13:30 Invited talk by Prof. S.S. Hasan, Chair: Prof. N.K. Gupta
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch (L-104)
14:30 – 15:15 Invited talk by Prof. V. Gowda, Chair: Prof. S.S. Hasan
15:15 – 15:45 Tea break
15:45 – 17:30 Prof. V. Singh Memorial Symposium on Complex Analysis with Applications

Chair: Prof. V. Gowda


Prof. K.K. Dewan

Dr. J. Kaur.,

Prof.P.K.Banarjee  et al

17:30 – 19:00 Contributed Talks (Three Parallel Sessions)
19:00 – 20:30 Cultural Programme
20:30 – 21:00 Meeting of ISIAM
21:00 – 10:30 Dinner (Waris Bhawan)
Day 2 (31/01/2015)
08:30 – 09:00 Breakfast (Waris Bhawan)
09:00 – 10:00 Invited  Talk: Prof. R. Lozi, Chair: Prof. Majaz Moonis
10:00 – 10:45  Invited Talk: Prof. Adimurthi, Chair: Prof K.K. Dewan
10:45 – 11:30 Invited Talk: Prof. R. K. Mohanti, Chair: Prof. Adimurthi
11:30 – 12:00 Tea Break (L-104)
12:00 – 14:00 Symposium on Emerging Areas of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Chair: Prof. P. Manchanda

Principal Speaker: Prof. M. Moonis, Director Stroke Services, University of Massachusetts Medical Centre, USA

Ms. Noor –e- Zehra

Dr. V. S. Bhadouria

Dr. M. K. Ahmad

Dr. Ms. Yeliz Karaca

Dr. Meenakshi

Ms. P. Despandey

14:00 – 14:45 Lunch (L-104)
14:45 – 15:15 Invited Talk: Prof.  M. Al-Baali ,Chair : Prof. R.K.Mohanti
15:15 – 15:45 Tea Break (L-104)
15:45 – 17:45 Prof. Izhar Husain Memorial Symposium on Geometry with Application

Chair: Prof. U. P. Singh

Speakers: Prof. M. Majumdar, Prof.D.Walnut et al.

17:45 – 20:00 Contributed Talks ( Three Parallel Sessions )
20:30 – 22:00 Dinner (Waris Bhawan)
Day 3 (01/02/2015)
08:30 – 09:00 Breakfast (Waris Bhawan)
09:00 – 09:30 Invited Lecture: Prof. D. C. Vakaskar, Chair: Prof. M. Al- Baali
09:30 – 10:00 Invited Lecture: Prof. R. Chug, Chair: Prof. M. Majumdar
10:00 – 10:30 Invited Lecture: Prof. B. Bhattacharya, Chair: Prof. R. Nagaich
10:30 – 11:00 Tea Break (L-104)
11:00 – 13:30 Symposium on  Use of Technology in Teaching  and Learning of Mathematics

Chair: Prof. M. Miyan, Vice Chancellor, MANUU

Moderator: Prof. A. H. Siddiqi


Prof. K.K Dewan

Dr. J. Kaur

Prof. C. Singh

Prof. Abdul Wahid

Prof. M. Al-Baali

Prof. R. Lozi

Mr. M. Alam

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Valedictory Function (Arts Auditorium )
15:30 – 17:00 Discussion Over Tea  (L-104)


Organizing Committee

Prof. A. H. Siddiqi, Chairman

Prof. R. Nagaich, Secretary

12th ISIAM Conference at Punjabi University, Patiala

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International Conference on Emerging Areas of Mathematics for Science and Technology

In Conjunction with 12th Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

January 30th – February 1st 2015

Department of Mathematics, Punjabi University, Patiala(Punjab) India

A report on 11th Biennial conference of ISIAM

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A report on 11th Biennial conference of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM) as an event of the National Mathematics  year 2012 to commemorate 125th Birth Year of  Srinivasa Ramanujan during 15-16, December hosted by Gautam Buddha university (GBU), Gautam Buddha Nagar (Greater Noida)-201308, India

11th Biennial conference of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM) was held during 15-16, December at GBU as an event of the National Mathematics Year 2012 to commemorate 125th Birth year of the Mathematics Wizard Srinivasa Ramanujan. The conference was attended by more than 200 persons belonging to different specializations of Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Information Technology and Management studies coming from various states of India and countries like USA, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The conference was really interdisciplinary in nature, where applications of Mathematical concepts to emerging technologies were focused.

The conference was inaugurated by Prof. Krishan Lal President of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and eminent academicians such as Prof. H.P. Dikshit (Chairman EPCO. Institute of Environmental Studies, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh and former Vice-Chancellorships of IGNOU), Prof. U.B. Desai, Director IIT Hyderabad (a renowned expert of information Technology & Tele Communication), Prof. N.K. Gupta, IIT Delhi  (a renowned expert of Impact  Problems and former Vice-President of INSA and Current President ISIAMs ), Prof.Moinuddin, Pro. Vice-Chancellor Delhi Technical University (Former Director NIT, Jalandhar), Prof. Aparajita Ojha, Director IIIT Jabalpur, Prof. Rajat Gupta, Director NIT, Srinagar, Prof. M. Brokate, former Dean School of Mathematical Sciences, Technical University Munich, Germany, Prof. R. Lozi, CNRS & Nice University France et al participated and delivered lectures.

On this occasion, Prof. U.B. Desai was conferred Dr Zakir Husain Award 2011/2012 for his valuable contribution in the emerging areas like Cyber Physical Systems, Cognitive Radio, Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Additive Signal and Image Processing. He has extensively used mathematical concepts such as wavelets and mutiresolution Analysis, Artificial neural network and Fractals in his research work.

In the inaugural address Prof. Krishan Lal highlighted the importance of mathematics for Industrial and Technological development of any nation. He expressed the serious concerned of the scientists, engineers and all well wisher of our nation on dwindling standard of mathematics and especially applications of mathematics. He emphasized that the need of the hour is to attract talented young researchers towards applications of mathematics in emerging areas of science and technology. All 15 invited speakers on this occasion echoed the same sentiments.

During the inaugural function Prof. P. Manchanda, convener scientific committee read the messages of the Hon’ble President of India, Hon’ble Union Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Minister of External Affairs, Minister of Water resources, Governors of Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir and Uttrakhand besides Hon’ble Jitin Prasad, Minister of State for Human Resource Development and 10 other dignitaries including Prof. Barbara Lee Keyfitz, President International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (

The Proceedings of the conference comprised 4 invited talk sessions, 6 contributed talk sessions, one panel discussion session and a session on 125th Birthday celebration of Ramanujan. Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor Delhi University was the chief guest of this function, Prof. K. Srinivasa Rao, Director Srinivasa Ramanujan Academy of Maths talent, Chennai (first DST- Ramanujan Professor) was the principal speaker on the life and work of Ramanujan. He delivered an interesting talk and presented a CD-ROM to the chairman organizing committee.

The chief guest, Prof. Dinesh Singh delivered a remarkable address dealing with the special features of the character and research contribution of mathematics wizard Ramanujan.

Besides 15 invited talks by eminent experts of different themes such as soft computing, Image Processing, Cyber Physical systems, Optimal Control Problem for Rate-Independent Variational Inequality, Nonlinear Stochastic Modeling, Scientific Computing, Inverse Problems, Microlocal Analysis, generalized Random Transforms in Ultrasound Tomography, The Impulse Control Quasi-Variation Inequality, optimization of Portfolio and Consumption, Mathematics of Nano-Technology, Data Mining, Methods and Models of Natural Calamities, Optimization Models and solution Methods, Predictability by Wavelet and Fractal Methods and Shearlets in Image Processing; a Panel Discussion on Role of Mathematics in Emerging areas of Science Technology was organized. In the Panel Discussion several mathematical concepts applications of which have fetched Nobel Prize of Medicines & Physiology, Economics, Physics etc were introduced.

Out of 108 research papers submitted by young researchers for presentation, we could accommodate only 50 papers due to shortage of time. The organizers appreciate the enthusiasm of young researchers and wish them all success. Some of the papers presented during the conference by young Indian researchers were highly appreciated by foreign invited speakers.

Application of Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms to Nano-Technology was discussed in great detail by Prof. Mushahid Husain. As we know, during the contemporary time mathematics is visualized as the mother of all technologies . The main message of the conference is that mathematics has great potential to analyze and understand the challenging problems of Nano-technology, Biotechnology, Medical Science, Oil Industry and Financial Technology. It has been emphasized throughout the conference that young researchers of the country should embark on those areas of mathematics which have been found significant applications in these fields.


A- Speakers of the Inaugural Function

B- University Administrators who participated in the conference

C- Invited Speakers

D- Chairman of Sessions

E- Registered Participants and Contributory talk Speakers

F- Members of Various Committees who actively participated in the Conference

G- List of Volunteers (All from GBU)

Prof. A.H. Siddiqi

Chairman Organizing Committee

International Congress of Mathematicians 14-17 AUG, 2010

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Welcome to ISIAM

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ISIAM-The Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics was established on the occasion of a symposium on “Differential Equations and Industrial Applications” during the last week of September, 1990 at the department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Professor Abul Hasan Siddiqi was the Chairman and Director of the symposium. Professors Helmut Neunzert, Martin Brokate and Rene Lozi were invited speakers. More than 50 delegates including Professors H.P. Dikshit, P. Achutan, S. Kesavan, Adimurty, (Mrs.) Ravinderan, M.U.Siddiqui, V.P. Saxena, R. Lanka, G.C. Sharma and R.C. Gupta participated. The society is a registered NGO. Continue reading